The goal of this note is to gather some elementary facts on integrals of the form, say, E[eλX2] where X is a Gaussian random variable. These kind of integrals arise in many situations: for instance, in the Laplace transform of chi-square distributions. I'll cover the one-dimensional case first, then the multi-dimensional case.
We recall the fundamental Gaussian integral, valid for λ>0:
Let X∼N(0,1). Then, for any real numbers a,b,c, E[e2aX2+bX+c]=+∞ if a≥1, and otherwise E[e2aX2+bX+c]=1−aexp(2c+8(1−a)b2).
Proof. Set q(x)=ax2+bx+c. Then, E[eq(X)/2] is equal to 2π1∫e−2t2+2at2+bt+cdt, which obviously diverges iff a≥1. Otherwise, simple algebraic manipulations show that
which, after changing variables t−b/2γ into s, then using (1) and replacing γ by its value 1−a, gives exactly (2).
We now list a few consequences of this formula.
Laplace transform of a chi-square distribution:
Analytic continuation. Take b=c=0 for simplicity. The function 1/1−z is defined for any z not in [1,+∞) if we use the principal branch of the Logarithm. But outside of this set, the formula remains valid, and thus we can compute E[ezX2/2]=(1−z)−1/2 for any z∈C∖[1,+∞). Of course, proving that E[ezX2/2] is holomorphic on this domain is a bit more delicate.
Fresnel integral. Taking b=c=0 and a=1+2i (which is not in [1,+∞[ as requested) we see that
The value of the LHS was proven to be 1/−2i=(1+i)/2. We thus get ∫eit2dt=(1+i)π/2. In particular, we recover the famous Fresnel integral
For simplicity, in this case we'll only consider standard Gaussians. The general formula can nonetheless be derived using the same proof, see right after the proof.
Let X∼N(0,Id) and let A be a real symmetric matrix. Then, E[e21⟨X,AX⟩] diverges if λmax(A)≥1, and otherwise
The proof is trivial once we have the one-dimensional case : since A=UDU∗ and UX has the same distribution as X, we can write ⟨X,AX⟩ as a sum of λiξi2 where the λi are the eigenvalues of A (all of which are smaller than 1 by assumption) and the ξi are i.i.d.
General formula. Now if μ was to be nonzero, one could write X=μ+Y with Y∼N(0,Id), and then develop: